Canada wins the title of “most attractive study destination,” a recent survey has found. Its appeal continues to grow, boosted by strong government policy response to COVID-19.
The survey provides compelling evidence that student interest in Canada as a study destination remains strong. Canada could absorb displaced students unable to fulfill their plans to study in Australia and New Zealand, as well as students who chose to differ their study from last year in 2021. Despite that, Canada’s international education is time-sensitive, with the vast majority of post-secondary students commencing their programmes in the fall.
Unlike Australia, which has two entry points into the academic calendar in February and June, everything hinges on September in Canada, the report said. Most international students will need at least three to six months to make their necessary plans. Canada could miss this window of opportunity if the vaccine rollout does not progress quickly enough and if it fails to cope with visa processing times and long queues around flights and mandatory quarantine.