Emergency Evacuation
An emergency evacuation from the college may be required for a number of reasons. In case of fire, a fire threat, a bomb threat or a terrorist threat, action is required. When the building is to be evacuated, an evacuation siren will sound (as a continuous whoop-whoop-whoop). An alert siren may sound first (as a beep, beep, beep).
DO NOT use lifts in case of emergency.
Emergency Evacuation Procedure
In a case of emergency Teachers are required to gather their students, do a headcount against the class role and leave the premises in an orderly manner using the fire stairs under the directions of the Warden.
When directed to do so – gather in an orderly manner in the lobby area and wait for instructions from Emergency Evacuation Staff:
Red Hat: Warden
Yellow hat: Floor Warden.
Once you are outside the building proceed to the meeting areas. At all times listen and obey the instructions given to you by the Emergency Evacuation Staff. There will be evacuation practices throughout the year.
Emergency Evacuation Considerations
- Make sure emergency exits are kept clear at all times
- Use appropriate fire fighting equipment if situation can be contained immediately
- Evacuate building and request students to congregate in designated place away from danger
- Contact fire department or applicable emergency services – 000
- Use attendance register to make sure everyone from the building is present
- Record details of the event in Accident Record Book as soon as practicable
(Follow carefully Emergency evacuation Policy and Procedure)
Fire exits and fire extinguishers
A plan showing the fire exits and the location of the fire extinguishers is located in every room.