What is the difference between learning management system, learning management platform, and LMS software?
In the early of 20th century, audio-video communication for remote or distance learning gave rise to the idea of online learning, or eLearning. When computers started being used more frequently to distribute learning materials and conduct some sort of evaluation in the 1980s, this was further refined. The advent of online education in the 1990s paved the way for more advanced lesson delivery, drill and practice sessions, and more individualized instruction.
The market for online education is expected to surpass $370 billion by 2026. This is hardly surprising considering that 99% of educational institutions offer their students support for LMS and educational technology, according to a TrustRadius research from June 2021. Additionally, according to LinkedIn’s 2021 Workplace Learning Report, 73% of L&D professionals anticipate spending less on instructor-led training and 79% anticipate spending more on online learning.
In general all of these names refer to the same thing – a software that enables you to develop, manage, organize, and deliver online learning resources to students, to put it simply. Students at schools, those pursuing careers in education, those enrolled in colleges or universities, or those working for any kind of organization can all be learners. That is, anyone interested in accessing educational resources via a device, primarily the internet, and in lifelong learning.
There are many large or small providers of LMS. However one of the best learning management systems is Moodle. Moodle is a free and open-source learning management system written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License.Moodle is used to create custom websites with online courses and allows for community-sourced plugins
Educli offers a full capacity Moodle LMS to create specialized learning platforms. A web-based online learning environment with “courses” can be created using this open source, secure, feature-rich software platform, which functions on any computer server and all widely used devices.
Flexible and plenty of features – While most learning systems only offer the essential content features for a LMS, EDUCLI goes above and beyond. It links providers to student data. It is full of engaging activities that encourage excellent management practices. The landing platform is set to provide general information to students.
Big Blue Button is an engagement platform where students can attend group tutorials and students actively interact with their teachers or their peers.
Educli focus is on the management and delivery of the learning. Linking Educli with Moodle provides a streamlined management tool for college administrators and student support staff. EDUCLI has nearly multiple additional plugins possible to be linked and automatised with EDUCLI components.
We offer expertise in hosting, customizations, support, and training, and direct API linking to the EDUCLI platform. We empower our design and development to be an effective online learning tool. Together we have the ability to transform the world of education.
Find out more at www.educli.com