About jan bejcek

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So far jan bejcek has created 72 blog entries.

Methodology for calculating evidence levels

Source: Department of Immigration Evidence levels are calculated using a weighted average based on the total number of international students (applicants and holders of student visas) that have a confirmation of enrolment (CoE) based on their principal course of study from the education provider. The following weightings and evidence level indicators are used to calculate [...]

2024-03-21T23:14:21+00:00March 21st, 2024|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Student and Student Guardian visa processing priorities

A new Ministerial Direction for prioritising student and student guardian visa applications was signed on 14 December 2023. Ministerial Direction No. 107 formalises the Australian Government’s processing priorities for the student and student guardian visa programs. It builds on ongoing work to strengthen the integrity of the international education sector. An evidence level is allocated [...]

2024-03-21T23:14:14+00:00March 21st, 2024|australia, Education|0 Comments

Genuine Student Test and Temporary Graduate visa – how can education providers benefit from the pathway?

As announced in the Migration Strategy released on 11 December 2023, the Australian Government is replacing the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement for the grant of a student visa with the Genuine Student (GS) requirement.   Here is our take on what the applicants will have to explain in detail: Their academic motivation should focus [...]

2024-03-18T21:31:14+00:00March 18th, 2024|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Universities Accord, Vocational and Technical Education – and the Reality

The urgency for growing tech talent in Australia has never been more critical, primarily due to the rapid pace of digital transformation across all sectors of the economy. In an era where technology underpins productivity, innovation, and competitiveness, the demand for skilled tech professionals is skyrocketing. Industries ranging from healthcare to finance and education are [...]

2024-03-12T20:58:03+00:00March 12th, 2024|Uncategorised|0 Comments

International students — what is happening and why it matter to our economy?

International students have accounted for more than forty percent of the net migration that has occurred overseas in recent years. This is the second largest contributor to population growth, falling only behind natural resources. They are essential to the funding of universities and other educational institutions in Australia, as well as to the numerous businesses [...]

2024-03-13T06:14:27+00:00March 8th, 2024|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Happy International Women’s Day!

Today, on International Women's Day, we celebrate the incredible achievements and contributions of women around the world. It's a day to recognise the strides made towards gender equality and to acknowledge the challenges that still persist. Women from diverse backgrounds continue to break barriers, leading innovations in science, arts, politics, and every field imaginable, while [...]

2024-03-07T22:05:01+00:00March 7th, 2024|Uncategorised|0 Comments

AI is changing content marketing

The arrival of AI will completely alter all aspects of the business landscape. Now it's important to understand how you can use AI to your advantage.   AI changed 75% of our content marketing strategy (and processes) this year   Imagine AI as a high-performance racing vehicle that accelerates your progress. Your task is to [...]

2024-03-07T11:23:31+00:00March 7th, 2024|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Productivity is not about people, but the systems organisations use

Companies should always be looking for ways to improve the productivity of their employees, including their own internal productivity. It is all too common for this to result in some sort of time management training that is offered by an external company or the human resources department. These kinds of training typically cover the advantages [...]

2024-03-05T23:59:02+00:00March 5th, 2024|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Student Visa Update March 2024

Midway through the month of December, Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil revealed Labor's plan to reduce the number of people migrating to Australia from other countries to approximately 250,000 by the year 2025. This plan would be implemented by strengthening its integrity measures, which would include a more stringent English language test and the requirement [...]

2024-03-04T23:57:44+00:00March 4th, 2024|Uncategorised|2 Comments

Early changes to the current Standards for RTOs

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has recently announced a significant move forward regarding the standards governing Registered Training Organizations (RTOs). Skills Ministers have reached a consensus to implement early changes to these standards, ahead of a more comprehensive overhaul planned for the near future. These adjustments aim to alleviate current challenges facing the [...]

2024-03-04T20:57:49+00:00March 4th, 2024|Uncategorised|0 Comments